Pushing the limits comes naturally to Ben. As an ambitious, calculated man, he wrote his name into the history books in 2018… and now he wants to raise the bar even higher by becoming the fastest blind Australian in a car.

Ben plans to pilot a professionally modified Toyota Corolla with a fully electric engine up to 200kph (125mph) at Speed Week 2024. An attempt that will push the boundaries on so many fronts- from an engineering and technology standpoint, as well as mentally and emotionally.

Not only will Ben inspire millions of people through his ambition, unwavering dedication, bravery and skill, but his record attempt will demonstrate the capability of current electric vehicles and the possibilities available for a greener, more sustainable future of motoring.

2024 Record Attempt

With preparations now underway, the record attempt is due to be run at Lake Gairdner, South Australia, during Speed Week 2024.

This unique scenario of man and machine pushing boundaries that no one thought possible, offers corporate partnership opportunities second to none.

A modified 1988 red toyota corolla with electric motor that will be use for the 2024 record attempt. Links to World Record 2024 page.